Wednesday 3 October 2007

Annie Göthesson

Since I was at home with some kind of illness (fever or something) yesterday I missed the setback the group where hit by. Feels a bit shitty that the work we’ve put in on the interface earlier was just a waste of time, but what can you do (the new interface looks so much better anyway!)

After all the years I’ve been studying project management I should know by now that planning is the most important part of a project and that every problem can be solved with good planning. But in some strange way I seem to forget this every time I start a new project. If we would have thought through what we really needed our device to do we could have prevented this from the beginning and we would probably not have wasted all that time. Now this particular problem wasn’t that serious but what would have happened if it was? Luckily this school is all about learning by doing and it’s in fact OK to make mistakes as long as you learn, and I have learned. Hopefully I’ll remember it next time.

Today I’ve been working with characters for the two player game. Not much but at least it’s something. I can’t really give a 100% right now since I’m still feeling a bit ill and my head is about to explode. Hopefully I’ll be better tomorrow when it’s time for Resumébar.

Over and out!

/Annie Göthesson

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